Leica – THUNDER Imaging Systems
The Time Has Come for Imaging Systems That Allow You To Tackle Easily Biologically Relevant 3D Models: THUNDER Imagers.
To answer important scientific questions, they enable you to obtain a clear view of details, even deep within an intact sample, in real time without out-of-focus blur. Sharp imaging of 3D specimens is now as easy as working with your favorite camera-based fluorescence microscope. THUNDER Imagers with Computational Clearing define a new class of instruments for high-speed, high-quality imaging of thick, 3-dimensional specimens.
The THUNDER Technology
THUNDER is an opto-digital technology that uses the new Computational Clearing method to generate high resolution and high contrast images. Computational Clearing removes the typical haze inherent to all widefield images of thick samples. It produces brilliant results for large image stacks, as well as single images taken deep in your sample.
THUNDER, a Leica technology, automatically takes all relevant optical parameters into account in order to achieve haze-free results in real time.
Key Features
THUNDER Imaging Systems
- Delivery of benchmark performance and first-rate results for your application
- Clear view of details even deep within the specimen thanks to Computational Clearing
- Ease of use, speed, and sensitivity, just like with widefield imaging
Available Models

THUNDER Imager Model Organism
The THUNDER Imager Model Organism allows fast and easy 3D exploration of whole organisms for developmental or molecular biology research. Thanks to Computational Clearing, your images reveal the finest structural details. No hassle with out-of-focus blur while maintaining the capabilities and ease-of-use typical for Leica stereo microscopes.
A THUNDER Imager Model Organism is the optimal instrument for studying, e.g., Drosophila, C. elegans, zebrafish, plants, and mice. One device for screening, positioning, and imaging your specimen. Simplify your workflow and study model organisms from a large overview to the highest detail.
Advantages for your research are:
- Rapid acquisition of blur-free images showing fine details, even from deep within thick organisms
- Keep even large model organisms under excellent physiological conditions during imaging
- Simplify your organism handling for a more efficient imaging and analysis workflow

THUNDER Imager 3D Live Cell & 3D Cell Culture
THUNDER Imagers provide you with a solution for advanced 3D cell culture assays, whether you want to study stem cells, spheroids, or organoids.
Benefit from:
- High throughput for better statistics and workflow efficiency
- High imaging performance from an easy-to-use instrument
- Optimal physiological conditions for meaningful results
THUNDER Imagers feature the innovative Leica technology Computational Clearing. It efficiently removes out-of-focus blur in real time, enabling the meaningful use of 3D specimens with camera-based fluorescence microscopes. The high sensitivity of the system ensures low phototoxicity and photobleaching, i.e., higher throughput with optimal conditions.

THUNDER Imager Tissue
The THUNDER Imager Tissue allows real-time fluorescent imaging of 3D tissue sections typically used in neuroscience and histology research. Acquire rich, detailed images of thick tissues free of haze from out-of-focus blur.
Even fine structures deep in tissues can be resolved thanks to Computational Clearing, an innovative Leica technology. Image detailed morphological structures like axons and dendrites of neurons in a brain slice. The high image quality, even with thick tissue sections, is combined with the well-known speed, fluorescence efficiency, and ease of use of widefield microscopes.
Gain these advantages using a THUNDER Imager Tissue for your research:
- Rapidly acquire blur-free images showing finest details of the morphology, even deep within thick sections
- Get fast overviews of whole tissue sections
- Image and analyze challenging tissue sections with an easy workflow
Leica Microsystems develops and manufactures microscopes and scientific instruments for the analysis of microstructures and nanostructures.
Widely recognized for optical precision and innovative technology, the company is one of the market leaders in compound and stereo microscopy, digital microscopy, confocal laser scanning and super-resolution microscopy with related imaging systems, electron microscopy sample preparation, and surgical microscopy.